Golarian Roulette (1v1)


In Golarian Roulette, each player take turns rolling a d20m and the aim of the game is to avoid rolling a “Gap Number” (a value that has already been rolled before). If you do, you become a “Gap Victim” and lose the game.

1 and 20 are considered Gap Numbers from the very beginning of a game. It is therefore entirely possible to lose on the first roll of the dice.


Both players must agree on a Standard Wager (SW), that both players must bet when starting a new game. Both players must also agree on how many games to be played; the standard is 5 games.

If both players agree, it is possible to raise the SW for all subsequent unplayed games, but the SW cannot be lowered again.


They players take turns rolling a d20 until one of the players lands on a Gap Number. This player is a Gap Victim and loses their bet to the winner.

The players agree among themselves who rolls first on the first game. For all subsequent games, the first player is the previous game’s winner.


By betting an additional amount equal to SW, a player can receive a “Warning from Jor-El” before their turn.

The player can, on this one turn, call Top (11-20) or Bottom (1-10) and then roll a d10. If the player called Bottom, the value of the dice is the number rolled, and if the player called Top, the value of the dice + 10 is the number rolled.