“Starsign is pretty good with weapons and I have a knack for armor” — Zodia
A store stripped of everything of value a few months prior, going by the layer of dust on everything
Category: [places]
“Beep beep boooooop” — Merlin
A quaint little outdoor eatery, where the food looks as haphazardly put together as the machinery, but still tastes pretty good.
The Brown Ooze
“I have beers, brews, and barley juice” — Carl Sberg
A dingy little pub in the outskirts of Little Akiton.
Motel Burnin’ Love
“Let your PASSION erupt!” — Sign outside the motel
A pleasure motel that has several brothels connected to it.
Little Akiton
“Even the daylight stays away from Little Akiton.” — Andrew Pollo
Absalom Stations infamous lawless slum
Dogslyfe Park
“Most of us sleep here at night; it’s nice and private” — Zodia
The only park in Olensa. which is also were all the homeless people in the area choose to reside.