Edward “BlackBeard” Thatch

“Terminals-Schmerminals; analog documents can’t be hacked!“— BlackBeard FIRST MENTION Chapter 8: Making My Way Downlow/Meeting With/Incognito FIRST MEETING Chapter 15: #Stargate REFERENCE The infamous pirate of the same name RACE Human RELATIONS Sat on the same council as Polaris’ father, Alexander, and Gavin’s adopted mother, Maereah A.L.F.R.E.D. An enemy of Alexander’s, who became a begrudging […]


DARLING, come here immeeeediately, I MUST have a closer look at you!” — L0V3J0Y

A non-binary android that works as the manager of Motel Burnin’ Love as well as the group of “companionship girls” across the street nicknamed L0V3LIES.

Trey Dixie

I have concerns for MY safety, not YOURS…” — Trey Dixie

A detective that came to MORT to get help with a case on missing homeless people, including his own informant, Ophiuchus.