DARLING, come here immeeeediately, I MUST have a closer look at you!” — L0V3J0Y

A non-binary android that works as the manager of Motel Burnin’ Love as well as the group of “companionship girls” across the street nicknamed L0V3LIES.

Dennis Raivah

Where to, boss?” — Dennis Raivah

The designated driver for MORT. Though working for Merci-Ki11, Dennis is considered a non-combatant, but makes up for it with his vast experience as a get-away driver.


Added to Databank” — A.L.F.R.E.D.

An artificial intelligence that is responsible for adding, updating, and otherwise maintaining data in the databank. Due to privacy concerns, A.L.F.R.E.D. only active when two or more MORT members are relatively close together.


Aye, but do ye have a license, lad?” — McKinnon

Responsible for the parking garage in the MainFrame

Laura Pollo

Is everything alright? Do you require assistance?” — Laura Pollo

Merci-Ki11’s idol nurse and responsible for MediCen

Andrew Pollo

I’m gonna need you to drop your pants, bend over and… cough~” — Andrew Pollo

Merci-Ki11’s resident doctor and responsible for MediCen

Jonathan Storé

Oh no, oh no, oh no, I’ll be right there!!” — Jonathan Storé

Manages the weapon and equipment store in MainFrame’s Tech Center

Sgt. Chewston

Greenhorns!” — Sgt. Chewston

Responsible for the HoSiMa


Until you cross the finish line, consider EVERYTHING an obstacle..!” — Justin

MORT’s day-to-day manager and responsible for the library


HAHAH4HA!!11” — L00TCR8

The handler for MORT. No one knows their true identity, not even Merci-Ki11. Their internet handle is said to be derived from that their mood switches so often that they’re like a lootcrate – you never know what you’re gonna get.